Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thankful for the Past 10 Days

Or rather: “Thankful for my Dad!” because today is his (57th) birthday! Happy Birthday Dad!
Aside from that…I’m back on Tumblr!  My computer isn’t back from the doctor yet but Guillermo is letting me borrow one of his computers for the time being. (he has his old HP that was falling apart so he borrowed a laptop from the school and then he just received his new Macbook Pro in the mail-so three in total at the moment!)
The past ten days haven’t been super exciting, but they have been enjoyable nonetheless.  Here are some pictures from what my life has consisted of:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bye Bye, Computer

Today, I have to bid farewell to my beloved laptop.
But only for a week.
There are a few little dents and dings in the plastic outer shell that are rather sharp so-since I paid for the accidental damage warranty-I’m sending it out to get fixed up!  I have been procrastinating for so long because I really don’t want to be without my computer for a week but since HP already sent me a nice fancy box with prepaid shipping, I guess I’ll go ahead and ship it.
I’ll try to catch everyone up next week. :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Things for the Apartment...

Although we have lived in our ‘new’ apartment for almost 2 whole months now, there are still some major things that we need to buy in order for the place to feel complete.  Of course, because these are major things, they take some major money.
Which we don’t have.
So here’s my wish list.  Maybe one day I can use it as a reference to actually go out and purchase some items…

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thankful for Friday

Hey, all!  How has everyone’s week been?  I’m hoping well.  Mine’s been pretty good-can’t really complain.  :)
This week I’m thankful for my job!  I had a somewhat regular week this week (or what I would imagine to be regular), working 5, 7-8 hour days. It’s been a lot more tolling on my body than I imagined…being on your feet for 8 hours is painful!  I feel like such an old woman every day after work.  
But back to what I’m thankful for!  BECAUSE I worked so much this week, I have really started to feel like I’m forming friendships with my co-workers. I’ve learned all their names and I’ve even found out that a bunch of them go to art school!  Naturally, that makes me feel at home.  We all seem to be getting along really well and I’m really enjoying the camaraderie.  
How about you guys?  Feel good about the week or have any exciting plans for the weekend?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Feeling Like Fall...

Looking forward to the cooler weather because that means sweaters and hats, jeans and layers.

Then comes the snow, which is OK with me because I fell in love in the winter.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The OTHER Wedding

Some of you may remember that I said Labor Day weekend was going to be crazy because I was attending 2 (two!) weddings, back to back.  Well, here is the post about the other one!
The wedding was one of Guillermo’s cousins, Cindy, and her fiance (now-husband), John.  It was absolutely stunning.  The ceremony was at the Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Mott Street in Soho, which I had only been to before for the Young Designers Market, but that was in the rec-center type room, not the actual cathedral.
Anyways, the ceremony was beautiful.  It was a Catholic ceremony so I was a little lost, but overall it was smooth and lovely.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thankful for Friday

Wow!  What a week!  I’m just thankful for surviving!!  It has been so busy and I’ve had to be on my best behavior, but now I can finally take a minute to relax.
As you guys know, I went home this past weekend for my friends’ wedding, and let me tell you-it was great.  We decided to have one more girl’s night out Thursday night, had the rehearsal dinner crab feast Friday, and then the big day was Saturday!  Everything was so special and wonderful.  Here are some of the best moments…