Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year, New Lifestyle

Hey all!  How was everyone's holiday?  I can only hope it was as enjoyable as mine.  Here's a peek at what I've been up to...

Christmas dinner was a success!!

Couldn't be happier for my newly-wed friends. <3 

Shenanigans with my high school buddies

My cutie cousin Lilah.

I really enjoyed my time at home visiting all my loved ones and celebrating the season with them.  I came back just in time to ring in the new year with Guillermo; he picked me up from the airport and we had a lovely dinner together and had a relaxing evening watching The Incredibles up until midnight.  

This year, I decided that my New Year's resolution should be to start forcing myself into a routine schedule of waking up early and being productive.  Now...I am not what you would call a morning person so this was truly going to be a struggle, especially on the days I don't have to work until the afternoon.

But that all changes this week, because...


On the 4th, I had an interview at a firm called Sleeping Dog Properties and they offered on the spot to hire me for a 30 day trial-run with possible (and hopefully) full-time employment after that!  It seems like exactly the kind of place I have talked about working at; it's a small firm that does mostly small-scale residential and some commercial renovations.  The company is owned by two brothers who have a construction background so they do a lot of construction management as well.  I am super excited to start on Tuesday and finally get my career rolling.

Wish me luck!

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