Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm A Maxxinista

When my parents were here last weekend, my mom managed to slip me a TJ Maxx gift-card because I had mentioned to her (on many occasions) that there was one nearby my apartment.  I had debated for a little while on what to use it for, but this weekend I made the most of it managing to find: 2 picture frames, a notepad-book thing, and a new laptop case all for just over $25.

As I've mentioned many times before, I would really like to gather as many frames as possible so I can properly display some of the artwork I have around the apartment.  One piece in particular I was saving until I found a frame because its very old and fragile:

This is a drawing that my Dad did many moons ago in his youth.  He has always been a very talented artist, which led to his drafting and ultimately his career in engineering.  I have always loved this drawing of his and when my Dad and his girlfriend bought a house together, I offered to provide a new home to this beautiful piece of art.  Here are some close-ups so you can see how intricate the drawing really is:

There are tons of hidden images in all the linework.  I could stare at it all day long and still find something new.  Needless to say, I'm very happy I found this frame because it fits the drawing perfectly and I can finally put my Dad's work on display.

The next frame I found was the only one left and I really liked it, so I impulse-bought it.  I figured it would be perfect for a watercolor painting I did inspired by the lovely Emily over at Go Haus Go.  She worked on an amazing doll house, and the floor pattern she planned on using in the bathroom of the doll house inspired me to replicate it via paint.

I really loved the simple white frame because of its depth.  It stands perfectly fine on its own on a table, or I could mount it on a wall.  I still haven't decided what to do yet.

The final two things are much less exciting, but still make me very happy.  

The first is a little notepad-book.  I am very much a list person, so I love having little pads of paper everywhere to write things down.  This one was only $3 and looks super cute, AND I can replace the pad of paper and reuse the binding when I need more.

Last but not least is my new laptop sleeve!  I got my laptop in June (I had one that I used through school but just as the semester ended, it bit the dust) and I have been looking for a sleeve since then but they are all so darn expensive!  I found one at TJ Maxx a while back but it was made for a 15" Mac (which is much slimmer than my HP) so it didn't quite fit.  Luckily I found this Targus sleeve the other day made for laptops up to 16", so my chubby little 15.6" laptop fits great and even has a little extra room for my mouse to join the party.

These bad boys normally retail for around $30 so I was very happy to pay only $7.99.  All in all, I have to say it was a pretty successful trip!  

Now its just time to wait for Sandy to announce her arrival here in Boston.  Hope you all remember to stay safe!

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